Why lotting of the olive trees? We bought a plot of land full of young and old olive trees and we wanted to selfguard them, transplanting even some. A choice neither practical nor economically, but made with heart. Olive trees are therefore now the symbol of this subdivision. For us, attention to detail and the materials used to build your home are paramount. Everything is certified and of the highest quality. Innovative technology and state of the art finishing touches as well as superior soundproofing and insulation mean your home is both comfortable and saves energy, essential when creating a building which respects the environment. We can achieve this thanks to over twenty years experience and expertise in the building materials sector. All this experi¬ence is at your service. We are proud to offer you wonderful properties, designed in our signature style, with attention paid to every last detail from the solidity of the construction to the fine styling of the house. Visit the spaces dedicated to ITER construction so you can 'follow the phases of the construction sitefrom the ground to the finishing works. Transparency that rewards for ourselves first that we have devoted so much attention and care to the choice of each component of the villas.

Palazzo Orsini L'Umbria
Penna in Teverina
Besides the beauty of the countryside Amerina, Penna in Teverina offers the richness of its monuments, the medieval town, punctuated by towers and gates, still has its original structure: is accessed from Port Civic, which leads into Piazza di San Valentino, where stands the church of Santa Maria della Neve.
Piazza San Valentino
To visit Orsini Palace,where, in addition to a beautiful Italian garden are still visible on the facade of the arms which belonged to two families: the pink crushed Orsini and eel Anguillara.
Note the busts of "Mammalocchi" original travertine marble columns with allegorical figures located at the entrance of a private villa.
Nei dintorni, presso Castiglioni, sono visibili i resti di un ponte sul Tevre di epoca romana, e nelle campagne quelli di una villa romana, in località Pennavecchia.
The territory's choreography emphasizes that natural stage which is the center of Penna in Teverina during the Feast of Harvest, the first weekend of October, where they become absolute protagonisit grapes, juice, wine and local sweets. Can not miss a visit to the beautiful and award-winning Permanent Crib.
I Mammalocchi

Note geografiche
Siamo in un territorio compreso tra l'area dell'Orvietano a nord-ovest, e separato da questa dal Lago di Corbara(Parco fluviale del Tevre), e i Monti dell'Amerino a est, nitidamente segnati lungo il versante di mezzogiorno da aree calanchive. Più a meridione, i monti Narnesi, dominati dalla cima del monte San Pancrazio, fulcro di riferimento visivo, separando l'area della Teverina dalla conca di Terni.
Il tevere è stato il principale elemento ordinatore del paesaggio: prima di lasciare l'Umbria, scorre lento in prevalente direzione nord-sud, al limite dell'area, lungo il confine regionale con il Lazio, ricevendo prima le acque del Paglia e poi quelle più copiose del Nera.
Anche questo, così come altri contesti umbri, è dunque un area di confine, aperta verso il Lazio (e la Sabina), di cui storicamente ha risentito dell'influenza culturale e politica.

A little bit of history
Important strategic site at the end of the Roman Empire developed the fortified town: the castle was built, with a role for the control of trade routes of the Tiber River, but also the way Amerina and the valley below. In medieval times was long contested by the Orsini and Colonna in 1502, made him the Orsini family who ruled until the line died in the eighteenth century. Later came under the jurisdiction of the Church exercised its dominion to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy (1860).